11A Hồng Hà, Phường 2, Q.Tân Bình, HCM

T 028. 3547.2790 - F 028. 3547.2791


Other Services

Other Services

Besides providing main services such as Media Planning, Media booking, Song Thanh have full solution with high qualitiy and satisfy the needs of corporates ...
Media Booking

Media Booking

Image, Opinion, longlasting impression, trust and using habit are factors deciding the sustainability and stability of a brand.
Media Planing

Media Planing

In the trend, conventional media is mobilizing into digital media. Song Thanh media keeps making effort to have activities aiming to the customers’ benefits of using digital media


There is something in english


Địa chỉ: 11A Hồng Hà, Phường 2, Quận Tân Bình, Tp.Hồ Chí Minh
Số điện thoại: 028.3547.2790
Fax: 028.3547.2791
DKKD số: 0309402057, ngày 12/10/2009

Visited users : 868920    Online Users: 81592

© Songthanh Media 2025. All rights servered. 11A Hong Ha Str, Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist, HCMC  T 028. 3547.2790 - F 028. 3547.2791